Committees & Special Projects

Archives - this standing committee is responsible for ensuring that all church records/history are archived in accordance with the "Records Retention Schedule for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America."  Contact: Katie Rupp; 217-577-5802.

Audit - the Audit Committee of three members is appointed annually by council per the church's constitution. In spring of each year they audit prior year’s financials.  When complete, their findings are reported to Council and to the congregation at the annual meeting. Contact: Bonnie Scranton; 217-577-9086.

Columbarium Oversight - this group is responsible for maintenance and care of the columbarium and all columbarium records and finances, including legal documents related to niche "ownership".  Contact: Bonnie Scranton; 217-577-9086.

Endowment - this committee, which meets quarterly, serves as custodians of our endowment fund. They manage, operate and administer the fund under the terms and conditions established in the adopted “Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Mission Endowment Fund Resolution.” Contact: Charlie Bach; 217-242-1145. 

Finance & Investment - this committee meets as needed and the church treasurer serves as chair. This committee was established for the purpose of providing advice and oversight to the treasurer and council in regard to the financial matters of the church, to include budgets, investments, and other financial holdings. Membership is comprised of the pastor, council president, treasurer, financial secretary, and two at-large members from the congregation. Contact: Kyle Osterbur; 708-662-0461

Mutual Ministry – This team provides support and direction to the pastor and reviews the ministry of the pastor and congregation together. They also oversee the following programs: Shepherd Leaders; Prayer Warriors; and Communion Ministers. Members are selected by the pastor with approval of the council. Contact: Pr. Daniel; 217-224-1624.

Risk Management - This committee is responsible for maintaining the currency of the church’s official Risk Management Policy and other matters such as insurance coverage; safety & liability issues, etc. Contact: Amy Lannerd; 217-242-1925.

Stain Glass Windows -  This group meets as needed to work on designs with the artist contracted to do the windows (Jeff Zumwalt; ). Nearly all the necessary funds have been raised to pay for stain glass in the four sanctuary windows and the artist is currently designing and constructing those windows. Contact: Bonnie Conover; 217- 257-2853.