Ministry Teams

The following are the official ministry teams at Christ Lutheran Church.  Each ministry team has a council member assigned as its liaison for the purpose of communication and coordination regarding the work of the church.  

Worship - This group of volunteers, led by Pr. Daniel, meets once a month to plan and oversee the worship life of the congregation in concert. They also serve as the traditional “altar guild.” Among other things, their tasks include: selecting hymns for worship; selecting themes for special seasons such as Lent & Advent; ensuring proper paraments are in place based on the season/special day; scheduling and training all worship leaders; maintaining all worship related supplies; altar flowers assistance with funerals; arranging for pulpit supply; and providing worship related support to the pastor as needed. Contact: Pr. Daniel; 217-224-1624.

Learning - This team is responsible for providing Sunday School teachers and nursery attendants; setting Sunday School curriculum; oversight of the nursery itself (cleanliness, equipment; etc.); Bible study and adult learning activities; VBS; Kids Night Out; Blessing Buddies; Jr/Sr High Youth Ministry; and planning of other events for children and youth.  Contact: Trish Santos; 217-370-5614.

  • Kid's Night Out - KNO is a monthly program where we provide dinner and lots of fun activities for kids ages 5-12.  Kids who do not belong to Christ Lutheran are welcome to attend.  Reservations are required, as capacity is limited. KNO also gives parents of the participants a night off.  We plan to restart this program in September of 2022 and are always looking for volunteers to help with check-in, the meal, games/crafts, and other activities.
  • VBS - This event has typically included both our church and Luther Memorial, with each church taking turns hosting the event.  Activities typically include decorating for the event, crafts, storytelling, music, snacks and outdoor play time.  We are always looking for volunteers to help with these activities as well as with check-in. 

Service - the Service Team oversees programs, events & activities through which we serve neighbors in our community and the world. These programs include, but are not limited to: Second Sunday, Second Basket Program (2S2B); Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs; annual ELCA/community programs (CROP Walk, “God’s Work. Our Hands”, Back to School Fair, Chaddock’s Santa Express Program, etc.); food panty support and many other ELCA and local ministries.  Information about specific programs can be found under the "Ministries" tab of our home page.  Contact: Connie Hornsey; 217-440-5153. 

Fellowship - the Fellowship Team is responsible for coffee hour groups; meals/food following funerals; meals and/or food for special events; etc.  Coffee hour groups are responsible for providing coffee and refreshments during fellowship hour after worship.  There are usually 5-6 people on each team and each term serves about once every 6-8 weeks. Contact: Char Tooke; 217-224-4501.

Relations/Marketing - This team oversees internal and external communications, PR, publicity, etc. They also have oversight of our website, Facebook page, YouTube channel, and any other social media being used for church purposes. Contact: Pr. Daniel; 217-224-1624.

Building - This team is responsible for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades to the building itself. They usually meet on Wednesday mornings to work on various building tasks and projects. Contact: Stu Bell; 217-653-6294.

Grounds - This team is responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and upgrades of all non-building property, to include landscaping. They are also responsible for the Memorial Garden, lawn care and snow removal, and oversight of the playground.  They typically meet monthly, depending on the season. Contact: Roger Wegehenkel; 217-242-3508.

Stewardship - This team plans and leads the congregation’s stewardship campaign; builds understanding of & response to our calling as stewards of God’s gifts. Contact: Marcia Johnson, 717-419-1433.