Worship >

What to Expect

Time & Location of Worship

We regularly gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. We strive to keep our worship services around one hour in length.

During Lent and Advent we have additional worship services on Wednesday nights.  We also have additional worship services during Holy Week (the week before Easter). 

Arrival, Parking, & Accessibility

Our church is located in the Holidays Hills neighborhood, just off of 36th Street. We have two parking lots that can be accessed from Holiday Drive.  

  1. The main parking lot sits on the west side of the building facing 36th street and can be accessed directly from Holiday Drive. This lot has designated handicap parking and a porte-cochere (a sheltered driveway) that allows immediate access to the entrance for passengers with mobility issues. 

  2. The second parking lot (our overflow lot) is on the east side of the building with the playground and memorial garden.  This lot can also be accessed from Holiday Drive.

Not only are all of our entrances zero-steps, but the vast majority of our church building contains no stairs. We do have wheelchairs available for those who need them to access and move about the building. If you need any assistance, please ask a greeter or an usher.

Whatever parking lot you utilize, you will see that both entrances lead into the narthex (the gathering space) just outside the sanctuary.  Here you will find restrooms, coat racks, and additional information about current and upcoming opportunities for fellowship and service.

Bulletins are available and serve as service guides during worship. Our bulletins often contain additional announcements or information about our church. We also utilize microphones to amplify our readings, prayers, and music, all of which are projected on the wall above the altar, which helps the service to feel more participatory. 

What Happens in Worship?

Our worship services are traditional, liturgical... and uplifting! We are blessed with exceptional musicians (including a choir), inspired preaching, and a participatory spirit in which minister, and people interact and engage one another. In worship we believe God is present with us, lifting us up, deepening our faith, and preparing us for a life of meaning and purpose.

In short, there are four parts to our worship services:

  1. Gathering: We often begin worship with a time of confession and forgiveness, but we may also take time to remember and affirm our baptism. In doing so, we affirm that it is right and good to give our thanks and praise together as the people of God.

  2. Word: Since we believe God speaks to us in scriptures, so we are called to listen. Like many denominational churches, we follow the Revised Common Lectionary, which is a collection of readings from the Bible that guide us through the church year. Then we hear a sermon from the minister who helps us to good news of Jesus Christ in ways that challenge and inspire us in our journey of faith.

  3. Meal: Trusting that God feeds us with good things, we offer what we can in grateful response to God's blessings. Then we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ, given with bread and wine. Because this 'meal' was instituted by Christ Himself, we believe that all are welcome to the table.

  4. Sending: Nourished in faith, God blesses us and sends us out into the world with joy and with a purpose - to share and show the same love and mercy that we have received in Christ!

Throughout the service, we sing hymns and songs that invoke wonder and a deeper sense of gratitude.  Our congregational singing is accompanied by a pianist and supplemented by an adult choir during the school year. Though most of our hymns are traditional, we do occasionally incorporate contemporary praise songs and hymns into our services. Of course, we welcome anyone with musical talents to share their gifts in worship, be in in the choir, as a cantor, or as a special instrumentalist.

Welcome & Hospitality

First, we want you to know that our community of faith has people from all walks of life, and who dress in everything from Saturday casual to Sunday best. We really don't care what you wear when you come to church - we're just glad to have you worshipping with us!

Our members have nametags that they are encouraged to wear to help guests and visitors get to know us. And while we may be eager to get to know you, we promise we won't make you stand up in worship and introduce yourself. However, there are visitor cards located throughout the sanctuary you can use to share information about yourself and to request more information about our church. 

Another way we can get to know each other is over a cup of coffee, tea, or water.  Following worship, all are welcome into the fellowship hall to partake in light refreshments and conversation. Of course, if walking into a dining hall filled with strangers is intimidating to you, no pressure - we're just happy to meet you, and look forward to when you can join us for worship again!

Children & Worship

Just as Christ welcomes and blesses children, we too are glad to welcome children in worship! During the service the minister usually offers a message that is geared for young disciples - though we confess many of the adults really like this message too! 

If you are parents or guardians to infants or little ones, both of the restrooms in the narthex contain changing stations. 

A newly refurbished nursery is available if desired (ask someone to show you where it is located). However, we believe that the best way for a child to learn about worship is to be in worship! We encourage you to bring your child back into worship for communion so they too come to the table for the meal or a blessing.

Speak of which: when it comes to communion, we believe that all are welcome to partake in the bread and wine - including children. While the pastor does offer classes for elementary-aged youth to help them to better understand what Holy Communion is all about, it is not a prerequisite to receiving communion. You know your child better than anyone else, so we'll let you decide when your child is ready to receive.